Ebola simulation part 2: outbreak reconstruction

#genetics #simulation #response #outbreaker2 #epicurve #reproduction number

This practical is the second part of the response to a simulated Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak taking place in the city of Ankh, Republic of Morporkia. While the first part focussed on early assessments of transmissibility, this part explores more methodological options for estimating transmissibility, and provides an introduction to outbreak reconstruction using outbreaker2. An update on the EVD outbreak in Ankh, Republic of Morporkia After some rather concerning preliminary results on the new EVD outbreak in the city of Ankh, Republic of Morporkia, Public Health Morporkia (PHM) has sent you updates of the linelists and contact data. ...

Introduction to phylogenetics


This lecture introduces general concepts pertaining to phylogenetic tree reconstruction, as well as the main approaches used for building trees, including distance-based, maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood methods. It also discusses phylogenetic uncertainty, bootstrap, and some caveats and bad practices. Slides Click on the image below to access the slides: About this document Contributors Thibaut Jombart: initial version Contributions are welcome via pull requests. The source files of this lecture can be found here. ...

Phylogenetic tree reconstruction


This practical aims to illustrate the basics of phylogenetic reconstruction using R, with an emphasis on how the methods work, how their results can be interpreted, and the relative advantages and limitations of the methods. Three main classes of phylogenetic approaches are introduced, namely distance-based, maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood methods. We also illustrate how to assess the reliability of individual nodes using bootstrap, and show how a simple linear model can be used to estimate a molecular clock in rooted phylogenies. ...